Great Dogs from Our Great City

I was surprised to discover that it has been 18 days since I last posted. My intent was to try and post weekly but all the sudden I seem to be very busy. And that is a good thing.

So what am I busy doing you might wonder, (or not) that is filling up my days? I am walking dogs! I am a dog walker volunteering with the City Dogs program at the Cleveland City Kennel. I am walking dogs 2 to 3 times a week and I am bursting with love, joy, and yes, some sadness over the fact that these beautiful dogs have no homes to call their own.

Humphrey - 83 pounds of love
The good news is that if a dog lands in this kennel, the quality of  life that dog enjoys increases immensely. I am amazed at the programs in place, run by a handful of dedicated employees and a lot of dog crazy volunteers.
Paulie - a volunteer favorite - a real gentle guy
In addition to volunteers like me who walk the dogs, there are countless others. There are volunteers who fill kongs with treats for all the dogs. There are volunteers who do the laundry to make certain that the blankies the dogs have in their crates are fresh and clean. There are still others that bake dog biscuits to be sold at the many events that City Dogs take part in, And, speaking of events, those are also handled by volunteers. There is a City Dogs Runners group that take the dogs out to run with them. There are hiking groups. There are overnights, there are fosters and there are so many more things that I am sure I am neglecting to mention.
Ronan - one of the sweetest dogs - ever
So all the volunteers and enrichment that the dogs are exposed to are the good news. But the flip side, the bad news, is that the kennel is currently at capacity, even a bit over. So many great dogs, breaks my heart,
Tick Tock - loves cuddles and rolling in the grass
So, I didn't mean to get on a soapbox, but I find myself in awe of all the things being done to give these dogs a second chance and I want to dive in even further to help.  So, yep, I'm busy and I'm thinking about getting busier.

Thanks for reading,


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