Well, well, well fancy meeting you here.

If you are a friend of mine in real life, or a Facebook, Insta, or Twitter friend you probably have visited my other blog "As the Nest Empties" at some point.  That blog was created when my kids were headed off to college and leaving me with a bit of a void in my life. Gone were hockey, soccer, softball practice and games. Gone were sleepovers and a house full of noise, albeit joyful noise, at least most of the time. That blog was a place to express my feelings on a lot of things from that vantage point.

Well. this blog represents another major change in my life - my retirement! After 40 years of the daily working grind, I am now one of the many baby boomer retirees reaching this milestone every day. March 29, 2019 was my last day of getting up and going to work in an office! (Such a weird concept, not to go to work anymore.)

Anyway, the topics in this blog will be largely the same as those in the old one, just from a different point of view. To put it succinctly, this blog is about what I am doing to fill my days, nights, weeks, and months now that I no longer have to wake up to an alarm clock. I may even wax philosophically every now and then, but don't worry, I'll try and keep it to a minimum.

My family threw me a retirement party at the beginning of April and the theme was "smashing the alarm clock" thus providing me with the name for my new blog. Here are a couple of pics from that fun night!

Best cake ever!

Yes, a pinata that I had to smash with an MLB bat!
So, in closing, thanks for reading. Stay tuned for updates.


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