Some days it's okay to do nothing at all

So all of my posts thus far have been about things I am going to do. Things that I can do because I don't have to go to work everyday. And, yes, that is a novel concept, one I am still getting used to. Some posts have been about things I have done.  But this post is about doing nothing (thank you George and Jerry.) Doing nothing at all and being okay with it.

So today is Monday. My new post work routine has been to go to a yoga class on Monday mornings at 9:15. Well, my baby boy Reggie and I had a fitful night's sleep last night. He wasn't feeling so well, and I had to hold his ears back as he puked.  Of course, I had to clean up afterward too, but hey, that's what moms do. So this morning, there was no way I was going to yoga on what amounted to 4 hours of sleep - and not even uninterrupted sleep. So, I didn't go. And that was okay.

Reggie got more sleep than I did last night.
Steve has a friend visiting from out of state and they were headed out to find lunch and adventure this afternoon. I was invited to join them but I really didn't feel like it. So, I didn't go. And that was okay.

I thought I might go to City Dogs and walk some dogs for a couple hours, but then I looked over at Reggie who is still kind of moping around and decided I should stay home with him instead. So I didn't go. And that was okay.

I haven't been a complete slug. I did some laundry. I put all the hanging clothes back in my closet (unfortunate closing breaking event occurred on Friday, Steve the fix-it man to the rescue.) I updated the adoption sites with photos for the City Dogs so even if I wasn't there physically, I was still helping. And, I admit, I watched a Hallmark movie. And that was okay.

I'll probably read a book for awhile. Then maybe I'll take Reggie on a walk down to the lake later on when it's a little cooler. But in the meantime, I'm just content doing pretty much nothing at all. And that's okay.

Because some days it's okay to do nothing at all.

Thanks for reading.


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