To Infinity and Beyond!

My daughter, Caitlin and I went to see Toy Story 4 today and it was wonderful! I cried, I laughed and I cried some more.

The amazing writers and animators at Pixar have once again created a movie that touches all the emotional buttons in all the right ways.  They have managed to tie all four of the movies together perfectly with this one, which will be (SPOILER ALERT) the final movie of the series. For the sake of those folks who may be reading who haven't seen it I won't go into details of how I know it's the final movie but, trust me, it is.

This got me thinking about all the Toy Story movies and why they resonate so much with me. In Toy Story, the original movie, we meet Andy who is celebrating his 6th birthday. Caitlin was 6 at the time and she adored the movie. My other two kids liked it but Caitlin loved it.  She wanted an Andy of her own as well as a Buzz Lightyear and several of the other toys. And she never really tired of them.

When we got to Toy Story 3 and Andy is 18 and headed to college, the pain of all my kids growing up and moving out was all too tangible to me. Caitlin and I saw the movie at the midnight showing on the day it was released and I embarrassed her because I flat out sobbed - over Andy going to college and giving his toys away.

Watching Andy grow up was kind of like watching my own kids grow up;
(Andy in the above TS4 photo is a flashback)

Side note - when Caitlin moved out and went to college, her collection of Toy Story toys and assorted other stuff was stored in the back of her closet
Part of Caitlin's collection
They were finally parted with this past year when my husband I were moving and downsizing our stuff. Caitlin decided that the toys should go to other kids so they would be played with, so they were given away to the good homes of some of my coworkers with young children.

And that brings us back to today and Toy Story 4. I just can't say enough how good it was. It was so fun seeing all the toys again. The old gang was back and funny as ever and the new additions fit in and added just enough to keep it fresh. You really have to pay attention to their dialogue because it is so cleverly written there's fun stuff in practically every minute of the movie.

I thought I would be sad to see the end of this delightful franchise but honestly the story line was so perfect that I can't be sad about it.

I can hardly wait until this latest film gets to video or streaming so I can have a full Toy Story marathon of my own.  You are all invited!

As always, thanks for reading.


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