Day 6 - Thelma and Louise Notes From the Road

Day 6 dawned and the car was still in the parking lot, intact. We had been concerned! (See things I learned on day 5, bullet 3.)

The original plan for day 6 was Four Corners, Winslow, AZ and a hike at Cibeque Falls. However when researching the hike it appeared as if we would each have to buy a day pass for $35 to hike to the falls, so we scratched it. Day 6 then became much more leisurely, and that was okay with me.  So instead of rushing out early we had a leisurely morning watching Say Yes to the Dress before we headed out into Farmington, NM. Turns out, it has some perfectly nice areas, we just had't stayed in one!

Whenever I travel without Hubby I try and bring him back a Harley Davidson tee shirt from whatever city I am visiting. On this trip rather than randomly picking one place, I had my heart set on finding a Four Corners Harley shirt. So our first order of business, after Starbucks of course, was finding the Harley dealership. Once that was taken care of we headed out to find the Four Corners Monument.

We got a bit way laid by a flea market we stumbled upon where it was ungodly hot. Of course the folks selling their wares didn't think it was hot - they thought it was just a nice day. We bought some jewelry and sampled some kneel down bread, which was quite tasty. Also called a Navajo tamale, the corn is scraped from fresh cobs, then ground, then put back into the husk to be grilled.

Back on the road we pointed the car to Four Corners. For those of you who are unsure what Four Corners actually is -

"The Four Corners Monument marks the quadripoint in the Southwestern United States where the states of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah meet. It is the only point in the United States shared by four states."

It is pretty cool to stand with your feet in all four states at once. The center stone of the monument looks like this.

The flags of the Navajo and Ute Nations fly side by side with the flags of Utah, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona at Four Corners. The Navajo Nation overlaps these parts of Utah, Arizona and New Mexico. The Utes occupy the southwest corner of Colorado.

Next stop Winslow Arizona. Go ahead, admit it. You immediately started humming  ... well I'm standing on a corner ...  Anyhoo, this was an add-on stop. Nancy asked me to look at the map and see what was between somewhere and somewhere that might make a good stop and this was it!

What we didn't realize and I bet few people do, is that Winslow has a 9/11 memorial with 2 beams from the World Trade Center and an American flag that was flown there. It's called a Remembrance Garden. We came upon this as we were tooling into town on 9/14 three days after the 18th anniversary of that dark day.

From the memorial it was just a few minutes drive to get to the corner. It was such a fine site to see! Seriously, it was just fun. This stop is also on Route 66 so we once again got back to the mother road. Painted in the intersection right off the corner was a big Rt 66 freeway marker so lots of people, including us, were having a lot of fun with it. The shop on the corner plays a continuous loop of an Eagles concert so Take it Easy blares out over the corner on a regular basis. There is a mural of a building with scenes from the lyrics painted right behind a statue of a guy who is standing on the corner. Heck - the flatbed Ford is even parked on the street right there. All in all it was a super fun stop and a nice last stop for my portion of the trip.

Seriously, a fun stop!

After Winslow we were headed to Phoenix to a hotel near the airport as I had an early flight out the next day. It was hard to believe my days on the road were coming to an end. All told, during my potion of the Thelma and Louise 2019 Tribute Tour we drove 2,677 miles - in 6 days.  And it was a blast!

Things I learned on Day 6:
  • It is perfectly acceptable to drive with the top down and the air conditioning blasting
  • Nancy's CD collection is a force to be reckoned with (actually I learned this all week)
  • I didn't sign up for enough days on this crazy whirlwind of a trip!

A couple of final photos - I like to call these Sunrise Over Phoenix taken on our way to the airport.

Thanks again for reading along!


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