The times, they are a changing!

So here it is, already January 19th of this new year, this new decade. Time sure does fly when you are having fun and I must admit, I am!

Each of my lovely 3 children has something big happening in their lives at the moment. We will go in chronological order - please note Caitlin and Sera, Jack is first because he is the oldest, not because I like him best.

Jack and his lovely wife of two years, Sarah are expecting a bundle of joy next month. And we celebrated them with a Tiny Human Shindig at our place last Sunday. It was very fun. I always worry when giving a party that something will be a disaster - but in this case, no disasters. From the decor - tiny onesies hung on the stairs like stockings for Santa, to the magnificent balloon arch that the mom to be helped to make

 to the fabulous food
 made by my crew of fabulous helpers to the guests themselves - it was a blast.

As I always like to say after a party "a good time was had by all!"

Next up on the fun meter is Caitlin! Caitlin and her now fiance, JT got engaged on Christmas eve!

We are all so excited we can hardly stand it. Lots of wedding talk has already begun even though they are not planning to tie the knot until May 2021. They are talking destination wedding! Outer Banks, NC here we come!!!

Last but certainly not least is my girl, Sera. Sera moved away from Cleveland when she went to school at OSU and has never returned to The Land on a permanent basis since then. That was more than 10 years ago. I am happy to say that due to want and need (hello Petey) she is bringing her talents back to Cleveland later this month! Lakewood, specifically. We are thrilled!

The photo is of Sera with her now two dogs. Bacon is on her left and newly rescued Petey is on her right. Two dogs = one too many at her current apartment complex so voila! Lakewood, here they come!

So, what have you been up to so far this year?

As always, thanks for reading along!


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