2021 Wasn't So Bad!


2021 is in our rearview and I know plenty of people that are happy to see it go. And for those people, my friends and family who have had a tough time of it, I’m happy for you that it’s over.

Personally, 2021 has been a pretty good year for the Baker clan. We had a wedding and a beach vacation rolled into one in May when daughter Caitlin married her best friend, Joe(JT) at her favorite place - the OBX of North Carolina.

Then in November Jack and Sarah had their second child, a bouncing baby boy they named Vincent (Vinny). He joins sister Lucia (Lu) and furry brother Murphy (MiMi)!

Don’t get me wrong, we did have to cancel our big planned trip to Scotland and Ireland for the second year in a row. And it’s not looking too good for this year either.

But unlike 2020, the year when all this started, we were able to:

Have some picnics on our beach

Go to some fun live music and plays.

Go out to eat with friends and eat inside(gasp).

We were even able have our Bunion weekend away in December in Hocking Hills.

So we carry on.

So, this post originally was going to be my 2021 book wrap up to see if I could get back into writing. Somehow I got sidetracked. It happens. 

So stay tuned - I may actually write it.

Thanks for reading.


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