The Simon and Garfunkel Story

A couple of weeks ago Caitlin asked if we'd like to go to The Simon and Garfunkel Story
 with them at Playhouse Square. The answer was a quick yes! 

The show was fabulous. The musicians who played Paul Simon (George Clements) and Art Garfunkel (Benjamin Cooley) were spot on. Their voices were perfect and the harmonies were amazing!
The show was narrated between songs and told the full story of the duo starting with the fact that they were both in the same hospital in 1941, lived in the same neighborhood and went to the same school. They were best friends.
There was also a screen show behind the band to remind the audience what was happening historically at the time. Later on the screen show was used to tell us the band's accomplishments. All in all, it was very effective.

On thinking back about it I feel like the music of this folk duo was the background soundtrack of my life. Background because I didn't seek it out but it was just there. I never bought a Simon and Garfunkel album yet I, like so many other people, know the words to all the songs. (At least the A side of their albums!) I had a vague recollection that they broke up but not why. I was aware of the concert in Central Park but had no idea 500,000 attended.

Normally at this point I would say you should try to catch the show before it leaves but in this case it was here for one night only. I'm super glad that I got to see it.

Thanks Caitlin!

Thanks for reading,


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