And so, it continues

 When I ended my last post I was waiting for my pathology report - praying it came back all clear in the margins. And guess what? Boom dada boom boom - it did not. One margin still had a 2mm spot of DCIS which is the cancer I am fighting. Additionally, in another area a cancer cell had breached the membrane which keeps it classified as DCIS. That makes it invasive cancer, so now I am at Stage 1. And according to my doctor, still so treatable. So that happened on Monday 4/17.

So here I was back at the crossroads I originally faced on 3/27. Not really much of a crossroad though - more like being stuck at a railroad crossing when all you want to do is get home for dinner. Discussion of another lumpectomy and removal of sentinal lymph nodes versus going straight to radiation. My doctor was firmly in the second surgery column which was what I wanted. No discussion of complete mastecomy at this point.

Second surgery was scheduled for Thursday 4/27. Deja vu all over again. The bright spot is I did not have to do any preadmissions testing, nor did I need any more mag seeds placed so I would not have to face the dreaded mammogram machine! That in itself is a win. Another win - we know where the hospital is now so it was much easier going in the morning.

Surgery went as well as the first one did, hopefully with more positive outcomes. I had a harder time waking up from the anesthesia than I did two weeks ago. And I am much sorer where they removed the sentinal lymph nodes. I was warned this would be the case. They only took 2 lymph nodes so I think that's good.

So guess what? Here I am waiting on pathology so we can determine next steps. I'm trying not to feel sorry for myself, so many people have things far worse than I do. But I must admit, it's taking a toll on my psyche. Waiting really sucks. Not being able to do the things I love to do like walk dogs and go to my yoga and pilates classes also sucks.

But the best and the brightest stars in my world are all my friends, relatives, neighbors, and volunteer gang all cheering me up. Messages, texts, phone calls*, meals, muffins, cards, flowers, books, pampering stuff, goofy dog photos and even a survivor buff have all put a smile on my face and shown me how truly blessed I am. Thank you all.

Thanks for reading. Cross those fingers, toes and send up a prayer if that's your thing that Monday the 8th will give me good news. Come Monday, it'll be all right.

Thanks for reading.

* about those phone calls - I'm sorry if I have texted instead of called you back. But it's just easier for me that way. I promise, we'll talk soon. I love you all.


  1. Sending prayers and positive energy your way

  2. I will keep you in my intentions at yoga. You got this. Xo.

  3. Linda TraversariMay 3, 2023 at 3:10 AM

    I am heartbroken to read your blog, Joanna, and I missed the first one. I'll be praying for you and your family every day, wishing the very best outcome for you. You are strong and positive.....I know Steve is also. You WILL get through this. XOXOXOX

  4. Joanna, I too have been through what you are going through. It’s very hard to wait for results. My lumpectomy went well and they were able to get all the cancer and the lymph nodes were clear of cancer. I opted to do radiation, also. Just stay strong and have faith. Keeping you in my prayers. ❤️

  5. Prayers up for you and your family my friend! πŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎ


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